Our vision is to nurture the development of free-thinking individuals who are able to live their lives with purpose and direction. This is a very high ideal to strive for and our teachers are inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner who encourages them to assist our students to develop a life-long love of learning, a reverence for life and the courage to live fully.
Rudolf Steiner schools, also known as Waldorf schools, endeavour to educate equally the areas of academia, artistic experience and practical skills (the head, heart and hands) in integrated ways. Through this balanced approach students are helped to develop clarity of thought, a sensitivity of feeling and a constructive, disciplined will.
“Our highest endeavour must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives.” Rudolf Steiner

Enthusiasm and creativity
Teachers work creatively to generate, not only a genuine inner enthusiasm for the world in each individual, but also a wonder-filled, creative mind. They also cultivate the child's moral life by teaching them respect for themselves and others.

Co-operation and commitment
The social education of the children is enhanced through deepening their relationships with peers and teachers with whom (ideally) they work and grow for a number of years, developing an atmosphere of support, co-operation and commitment. A central part of the teacher’s task is to intimately understand the needs of each child, and to nurture the development of a real spirit.
Steiner Schools are co-educational, non-sectarian and non-denominational and allow all students, regardless of gender, race or religion, a broad educational experience.
Anthroposophy is a living, heart-imbued knowledge that is developed through research into not only the visible aspects of life, but also the invisible; that which is commonly known as soul or spirit consciousness.
This is the gift that Rudolf Steiner brought to modern-day humanity. Anthroposophy enables a person, when properly prepared, to investigate and know the forces that affect us in our life and work in the world. Anthroposophy is not part of our classroom teaching, but something that Steiner (Waldorf) teachers work out of. Through the teachers’ embracing and artistically working with anthroposophy, especially that of a child’s soul development, the teachers’ understanding of their pupils deepens.
In 1919, following the war, Emil Molt approached Rudolf Steiner to develop a school for the families of his company, Waldorf-Astoria. Molt asked Steiner to develop an education which would awaken a social and moral awareness in young people. Steiner used his insights to develop the educational direction for the children and co-founded the first Waldorf School. A curriculum was then established to bring subjects, at their right time and in the right manner to the child, depending on their age/soul development.
Noosa Pengari Steiner School Values
Our Vision
Our highest endeavour
must be to develop free
human beings
who are able of
themselves to impart
purpose and
direction to their lives.
Rudolf Steiner
Our Mission
(a) To acknowledge and nurture the threefold nature of the human being as body, soul and spirit and to strive to achieve balance by developing the child’s thinking capacities, their feeling life and their will, out of which true achievements in academic, artistic, creative and practical fields of life will arise.
(b) To provide an education based in Anthroposophy as developed by Rudolf Steiner – inspired by knowledge of human development and reverence for the child.
Our Goals
(a) To place the welfare and development of the students above all else and instil a love and joy of learning through the experience of goodness, beauty and truth.
(b) To build a loving and caring school community which reaches out to the wider community with the same spirit.
(c) To encourage Inspire parents, teachers, friends and students to co-operate in achieving the school’s mission.
Our Values
Power of Imagination
Courage for the Truth
Responsibility of Soul