
The Noosa Pengari Steiner School Association Incorporated

Noosa Pengari Steiner School Association Incorporated is an incorporated non-profit organisation.

Membership to the association is available to all parents, staff, grandparents and friends of the school who want to add their efforts to the association and further the objects of the association. The association board deals with applications for membership.  

All members are invited to the Association's General Meeting, held once a year prior to the end of June.

New Association Membership Applications can be made on the form below. 

The Board

The Board is the governing body of representatives appointed by members of the school Association and is legally responsible for the school’s administrative, legal and financial affairs.

The Board is an elected body of people who are more separate from the everyday life of the school. It ‘listens-out’ into the wider community and reflects back into the school those aspects which the school, as a living, growing, changing organisation, needs to take cognisance.  It also has a role to promote, question and challenge changes and any new direction that may be emerging from within the school.

The Board, out of necessity, will include members who have a living relationship with anthroposophy or at least recognise the anthroposophical foundation of the school.  The Board members will be active within themselves and in society towards the promotion of the school. The members will have a broad range of life experience, personal and professional skills that can be applied as a wisdom and knowledge to guiding the school.

The Board is the employer of the Principal, who is directly accountable to the Board.

The Board’s “blueprint” for its operations are the Objectives and the Association's Constitution.  The Board is responsible for formulating, with the Principal, the school’s strategic plan.

The Board bears responsibility for the school’s vision and direction. This includes strategic planning and the development of processes that will enable the school’s plans to be achieved, and for the school to flourish.  The Board delegates these responsibilities, on a day-to-day basis, to the Principal who is accountable to the Board.

The Principal

The authority and responsibility for educational direction rests with the Principal.

At Noosa Pengari, the day-to-day management of the school has been delegated by the governing body (The Board) to the Principal who is responsible for managing all of the school which the Board governs and to whom the Board delegates responsibility to keep the school compliant and viable in all areas. The Principal’s role is to work within the confines of the strategic plan and the policies as defined by the board.  As well as having the board as guide, adviser and governor, the Principal is currently assisted by the administration team, external financial services and the many willing teachers keen to hone their administrative, leadership and management skills.

The Principal is responsible for all staffing matters in the school and acts as the employer for the Board. All staff and contractors are directly accountable to the Principal.

Committees and working groups

Permanent and temporary committees of staff and/or parents, work on specific issues, as required.