Young children learn through imitation, and, with this in mind, the preschool creates a warm and loving homelike environment with rhythmic repetition where children feel secure. Each child can grow, develop, play and socialise through movement and a variety of sense experiences.
Up until the seventh year, the physical development of the child takes precedence. Physical and human environments have a direct impact on the health of the internal organs and the development of the senses. Therefore, care is taken to ensure the senses; particularly those of touch, life, movement and balance are nurtured and allowed to develop healthily. The school strives to create an environment in which the imagination, creativity and inner will of the child flourishes.
“If a child has been able to play, to give up their whole living being to the world around them, they will be able to, in the serious tasks of later life, devote themselves with confidence and power to the service of the world.” Rudolf Steiner

Nurturing imagination through creative play
Creative play involves raw and natural open-ended play materials to foster their imagination, which strengthens independent thinking for their later life.
Language development and physical co-ordination occur through singing, movement, poetry, stories, puppet plays and festivals. In addition, the children have an opportunity to experience a foreign language.

Early language learning
The morning circle forms an important part of the day. The children recite verses, songs and nursery rhymes and participate in ring games, finger games, puppetry and play-acting, which provides repetition for early language learning.
Children also have the opportunity to enjoy domestic tasks such as baking, washing and gardening as well as outdoor and indoor creative play and music.

Preschool multi-age programmes available
Pre-prep(Approved Kindergarten Programme) 5-day per fortnight programme for children the year they turn 5. |
Prep(Foundation) A 5-day per week programme for children the year they turn 6. |