Health & Wellbeing
Karen McElroy – Naturopath, Herbalist, Counsellor
Phone Noosa Holistic Health Clinic – 5449 7088 or mobile 0411 889533 info [at] karenmcelroy.com.au Website Facebook
Karen McElroy is a leading naturopath, medical herbalist and counsellor specialising in women and children’s health, stress management, digestive complaints and mind-body medicine.
For over 20 years Karen has helped many hundreds of women and their families transform their health through her personalised, practical and expert health care solutions that combine evidence-based professional knowledge with traditional healing wisdom. As a busy working mother of two teenage children, Karen knows the importance of simple and easy to implement wellness strategies that work for the whole family. Karen also offers workshops, courses and classes on children’s health, fertility, meditation and women’s health.
Karen has studied Anthroposophic Medicine for many years through IPMT trainings, seminars and study groups and incorporates this dynamic model into her healing practice. Karen is also passionate about mind-body medicine, and has qualifications in a range of holistic healing techniques including Psych-K, Quantum Emotional Healing, meditation, yoga and shamanic healing.

Karina KaHuna
Phone 0416181171 karina.bend [at] gmail.com
Kahuna massage works with all aspects of our being: physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual. Experience deep relaxation and nourishment in a beautiful, light-filled space - looking out on lush forest - less than 10 minutes from the school.
After many years of practicing massage, I have recently attained a certificate in Advanced KaHuna Bodywork. I love this practice and will tailor your session to your specific needs.
"Karina holds a loving and safe space and her presence and flowing, intuitive massage allows me to let go and relax. She tuned into my needs and my body with the care of a wise healer." – Sarita (client)
Session length: 1.5 hours. Allow 2 hours total for a pre-treatment chat and a post-treatment rest.
$100 an hour/ $140 for 1.5 hours
Lake Weyba Pilates
Phone 0413 606705 lakeweybapilates [at] gmail.com Website
Lake Weyba Pilates is a home based studio located in Weyba Downs. Small group classes of no more than 4 people are available in both mat and reformer Pilates. Please contact for class times and pricing.
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Midwife - Sylvia Jenkins
Phone 0449 504 609 info [at] sunshinemidwife.com.au Website
Midwifery care during pregnancy, home and hospital births and post birth. Sylvia offers medicare rebates, admitting rights to Sunshine Coast University Hospital, lactation consultant services and belly, baby and beyond park catch-up’s.
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Painting Therapy - Therese Allen
Phone 0423 648 503 thereseallen089 [at] gmail.com
Therese is trained in the Liane Collot d’Herbois method of therapeutic painting which is based on the observations and research of both Johann Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. Therese offers private one-on-one sessions for those needing gentle healing, which stimulates healing forces, restoring harmony and balance. This unique therapy which does not require any artistic expertise is helpful for a range of conditions including; anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue, asthma, cancer and psychological conditions.
“Therese is an inspiring art therapist who through her gifts and compassion, is able to bring a gentle balanced approach to healing by bringing awareness and hope to life’s challenges through the joys of art. Therese’s skills are so enriching…they benefit the client long after the sessions have passed, to allow beauty to be found in every moment. I recommend Therese to everyone finding their way home, and also for the wonderful benefits she offers nurturing the young child through change.” Tania
Peak Health Performance
Phone 0428 802 772 mail [at] natashazuvela.com Website
Rapid Relaxation, Self-Healing & Peak Performance
Activate deep relaxation in a matter of minutes and boost your cellular vitality with our ground-breaking wellness technology
At Peak Health Performance we have assembled some of the most advanced and effective wellness technologies available from around the globe, to combine them into powerful treatment programs that help our clients destress, recharge at the cellular level and rapidly self-heal to achieve Peak Health Performance.
Key benefits of our treatments
We have a number of technologies that we tailor to our client’s needs, that can provide the following key benefits:
• Relaxation in minutes
• Boost overall well being
• Improve mood
• Reduce anxiety and stress
• Boost physical energy
• Strengthen your immune system
• Boost cellular function & vitality
• Assist in rapid recovery
• Clear brain fog
• Gently remove any emotional and energetic blockages
• Activate and clear chakras
Reflexology & Numerology - Kellie Espie
Phone 0417 032 874 hippiestardust [at] hotmail.com
I am a fully certified Reflexologist. Reflexology works through the feet and can help reduce stress and tension; improve circulation; balance the nervous system; boost lymphatic function (thereby reducing oedema, reducing toxicity and improving immunity); stimulate sluggish, congested systems; reduce pain; enhance the body’s natural healing process; improve sleep; increase energy and vitality; and promote body awareness. Enjoy a one hour Reflexology session in your own home.
I also offer Numerology profiles. Gain insight into the biggest questions you’ve ever asked yourself. Bring awareness and clarity into your life and realise why you are here and your soul purpose. Know and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Numerology gives you the information you need to change your life through understanding yourself completely and changing the patterns of your life that aren’t serving you, allowing you to move forward and live the life you dream. These profiles are incredibly in-depth and can be sent directly to your email.
Sienna Academy
sallymartin.sienna [at] gmail.com Website
The Sienna Academy for Therapeutic and Artistic Painting
Training to become a Painting Therapist in the Liane Collot d’Herbois method, involves a multi-layered journey. Developing ‘new eyes’ for seeing is the starting point. The seeing is on many different levels both outer and inner. The foundation of the work is laid through the practice of twelve light and darkness exercises and their corresponding colour pictures. Lectures and discussion bring alive insights given by Rudolf Steiner about the Human Being. The above, together with medical lectures and case studies, help each person to go on their own healing journey; a necessary prerequisite for being able to work effectively with others.
The students own practise at home involves daily observation exercises, painting and charcoal work, meditation, study and written assignments. Graduates receive a diploma which qualifies them to work as a Therapeutic Artist trained in the Liane Collot d’Herbois method. The Training is accredited by iARTe (International Association of Anthroposophic Arts Therapies Educations)